Guest Blog: Under The Raging Moon (One Night with Dylan Thomas in Greenwich Village) by Peter Thabit Jones

By |2022-09-06T15:45:24+01:00September 6th, 2022|Guest Blog|

We are delighted to welcome a guest blog from poet Peter Thabit Jones talking about his new book, Under The Raging Moon (One Night with Dylan Thomas in Greenwich Village, New York) W. B. Yeats, of course, said “the poet never speaks directly as to someone at the breakfast table, there is always a [...]

Guest Blog: America, Aeronwy, & Me by Peter Thabit Jones

By |2020-04-08T12:16:46+01:00December 9th, 2019|Guest Blog|

AMERICA, AERONWY, AND ME / DYLAN THOMAS TRIBUTE TOUR America, Aeronwy, and Me is a commemorative book of my tour with Aeronwy Thomas, daughter of Dylan Thomas, in 2008, when we embarked on the Dylan Thomas Tribute Tour of America for a busy six weeks of events. The tour involved a lot of travelling [...]