Life After Dylan: Why there are still so many unanswered questions

By |2020-04-08T12:16:51+01:00August 7th, 2017|Uncategorized|

Today, as I write this, I am 39 years old and thirteen days (Yes, I hear your loud gasp of, “Wow, doesn’t she look good for her age!” Come on indulge me.) and this may not seem significant to many of you. However, it is for me as, one or two of you might realise, [...]

“I’m Just a Voice on Wheels”: Did the expectations to be the ‘great poet’ lead to the early death of Dylan Thomas?

By |2020-04-08T12:16:51+01:00June 12th, 2017|Uncategorized|

In a follow up to my blog - Like Eggs Laid By Tigers: How Dylan Thomas's Language Filled Early Years Shaped his Poetry - below is a biography of Dylan's later life from 1939 until his death in November 1953. Dylan Thomas’s life – 1939-1953 By 1939, Dylan had become a father for the first time and [...]