Click the pictures below to go to relevant walking trails.

Dylan Thomas Trail, Swansea

Trail with downloadable app

Dylan Thomas Trail, Carmarthenshire

Downloadable pdf

Dylan Thomas Trail, New Quay

Trail with downloadable PDF

Birthday Walk, Laugharne

Trail with downloadable app

New York Tour

Tour with downloadable PDF

New York Walking Tour

Tour with downloadable app (itunes)

New York Walking Tour

Tour with downloadable app (android)

The Dylan Thomas Trail booklets

Swansea city centre, the Uplands, Mumbles and Gower and West Wales

(Available from The Dylan Thomas Centre)

Return Journey

App that takes you on a guided tour around the Swansea known by Dylan Thomas

Laugharne Lines

An online map in the style of the London Underground showing the shops, restaurants, museums and  tourist attractions in Laugharne.

Dylan’s Walks

Follow the Dylan walks that Derek the Weatherman enjoyed doing in 2014.