Project Description

The Forever Wave encore performance celebrating 70 years of Under Milk Wood, Online

  • Date:

    Sunday May 14th

  • Online

  • The Forever Wave encore performance celebrating 70 years of Under Milk Wood

    Sunday, May 14, is the 70th anniversary of the first stage performances of Under Milk Wood, by Dylan Thomas! Help us pay homage to this classic work with special encore performances of The Forever Wave radio play.

    Written and directed by Bay Area theatre-maker Nicole Gluckstern, The Forever Wave reconceptualizes Thomas’ play for a climate ravaged near-future. Set in a drowned Bay Area, circa 2070, The Forever Wave imagines the survivors of this water-logged world as occupying the tops of hills, individual islands jutting up from a climate-change induced tide that rolled in one day and never rolled out.

    Celebrate the spirit of Thomas’ play and the resilience of the Bay Area past, present and future, with these May 14 encore performances of The Forever Wave.

    Website with broadcast details, cast and crew bios, and donation link (the play is free to access but donations are gratefully accepted):