Project Description

Poetry Blog for International Dylan Thomas Day, Mauritius

  • Date:

    Friday May 14th

    Deadline for entries Monday April 5th

  • Online

  • International Dylan Thomas Day 2021: Poetry Submission Call (Mauritius)

    International Dylan Thomas Day is celebrated every year on 14 May.
    As a representative of Immagine and Poesia (founded by the patronage of Aeronwy Thomas, daughter of Dylan Thomas) and upon the approval of the Dylan Thomas Trust, I am conducting International Dylan Thomas Day 2021 online.

    I invite all poets interested to submit one poem about the Welsh poet Dylan Thomas or appreciation of his works to:

    Only poems with proper imagery in context and having a refined poetic language will be accepted.

    Any poem consisting of unrefined/coarse/obscene language or imagery will be rejected.

    If your work is accepted, you will receive an acceptance e-mail within 1 week of your submission. If you do not hear from me within 1 week, it means your work hasn’t been accepted this time.

    Deadline: 5 April 2021

    All accepted poems will be published on my blog:

    Together as poets, let’s uplift the power of poetic words and maintain the true mission of Poetry!

    Looking forward to receiving your poems.

    Thank you!

    Vatsala Radhakeesoon

    Click for more information