Project Description

Online International Dylan Thomas Day Celebration, Italy

  • Date:

    Thursday May 14th


  • For the 6th consecutive year from the conception of INTERNATIONAL DYLAN THOMAS DAY (14 May), a cultural movement that celebrates the visionary Welsh poet, Turin wants to remember him with an event that falls within the circuit of international celebrations, involving the Turin artistic panorama on a broad spectrum.

    Images and Words for Dylan Thomas is the title of the project for 2020 which involves mainly painters, poets, and writers who belong to the Circle of Artists, in Turin.

    Italo Calvino sees in his labyrinthine associations the step immediately preceding informal painting.

    Difficult, if not impossible, a translation capable of faithfully rendering his poetry, poetry that – it is good to remember – was obscure to his own children (Aeronwy and Colm) and that obscure has been defined by literary critics.

    For this reason, a choice of verses has been made from the collection of his poems, suitable to be translated into images, with the wish of the curators who can really be a source of inspiration for the painters of the circle of Artists of Turin. At the same time, some poets and writers were asked to express themselves with a free and audacious personal song to remember the last of the most transgressive poets who created with his words new courageous mental passages, bold and provocative visions. The celebratory exhibition of International Dylan Thomas Day, initially scheduled for 14 May at the Circolo degli Artisti in Turin with an exhibition of the paintings and poems created for the occasion, was changed to an online event.

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