Project Description

Llanybri Heritage Trails

  • Date: A self-led tour you can complete on or around Dylan Day

  • The historic village of Llanybri stands proudly astride the Llansteffan peninsula, separating the Rivers Tȃf and Tywi which flow into Carmarthen Bay. Generations of settlers and travelers have left their mark on this farming community, contributing to its rich and colourful heritage.

    The location-aware app (universally available for Android and iOS devices) contains offline mapping and three trails to follow. Immerse yourself in personal stories attached to landmarks you pass along the coast, the pilgrim pathways and the farming hinterland. You will also hear how Dylan Thomas relied on the ferryman to visit friends and relatives in the Llansteffan locality, whether the pilgrim’s graves are legend or fact and where iron-age remains have been found.

    Click here to find out more about the app.