Project Description
Into That Good Night, Dylan Thomas Birthplace, Swansea
Friday May 11th
Dylan Thomas Birthplace,
5 Cwmdonkin Drive,
SA2 0RAInto That Good Night – another great event in the front parlour with Hilly Janes launching the paperback edition of her bestselling book The Three Lives of Dylan Thomas, in which she explores Dylan’s extraordinary legacy through the eyes of her father, the artist Alfred Janes, and the three paintings he made of Dylan at key moments in 1934, 1953 and posthumously in 1964.
Hear how Hilly ventures beneath Dylan’s reputation as a feckless, disloyal, boozy Welsh bard to reveal a much more complex character.
Rafa Bocero is an internationally acclaimed singer from Cordoba who has translated Dylan’s famous poem Do Not Go Gentle into Spanish and set it to music. For the first time in this country listen to this and his take on other famous poems from around the world – all part of a fascinating evening
6.30 for 7.00pm. Limited tickets £5 (refreshments available) from 01792472555 or