Project Description
Dylan Day Celebration in Carrara, Italy, Online
Lectures online, March 14th and April 18th
Entries to competition by April 30th
Award ceremony May 14th
DylanDay Celebration in Carrara, Italy
On behalf of the Italian branch of the Dickens Fellowship located in Carrara, I would like to express our great honour in being invited to take part in Dylan Day (14th May 2021). The branch promotes Dickens’s works and literature in English, and among its aims it promotes the study of English language through narrative and poetry; therefore we intend to celebrate the great Welsh poet Dylan Thomas with a translation contest: Dylan Thomas Translation Competition.
We have selected three poems and the participants will have to chose and translate one into Italian with a short commentary (max 200 words). The best translation will be awarded on the Dylan Day.
We also intend to organize two events on-line prior to the Dylan Day, to introduce Dylan Thomas’s life and work. We will advertise it on our website, Facebook page and press.
WHAT: poems selected
Do not go gentle into that good night
Notes On The Art Of Poetry
This Bread I Break
WHEN: Lectures on-line March 14 and April 18th , Award ceremony May 14 on-line.
WHERE: Carrara
WHO: the competition is addressed to anyone who loves poetry and English.
We do hope that the Competition will be the best means to promote one of the greatest poetical voices of our time.
Marzia Margherita Dati Graham
President of the Italian Branch of the Dickens Fellowship