Project Description

Dylan Thomas: Return Journey, St Andrew’s Church, Holt

  • Date:

    Wednesday July 25th

  • St Andrew’s Church,
    Church Street,
    NR25 6BB

  • A Holt Festival event.

    Presented by Richard Jordan Productions

    Devised and Performed by Bob Kingdom Original Direction by Anthony Hopkins

    As part of a special great literary writer’s season at Holt Festival, legendary actor Bob Kingdom celebrates two of the world’s most successful and infamous: Dylan Thomas and Truman Capote. Their lives paralleled on both sides of the Atlantic, these two critically acclaimed international award-winning productions take you deep into the heart of the men themselves and their timeless writing.

    Over 80,000 people around the world have enjoyed this critically acclaimed production which has included sell-out seasons at London’s Lyric Hammersmith, Off Broadway, Edinburgh and The British Library. Heralded by critics worldwide as a “lyrical tour-de-force” and commending Bob Kingdom’s electrifying performance as Dylan Thomas, we follow him on his last great lecture tour en route to the White Horse Tavern in Anthony Hopkins’s celebrated directorial debut.

    Running time: 1 hour 10 mins

    Click for more information