Project Description

Dylan Thomas in Cornwall Performance Walk, Penzance

  • Date:

    Sunday May 14th

  • The Longboat Hotel,
    55 Market Jew Street,
    TR18 2HZ
  • Dylan Thomas in Cornwall Performance Walk, Penzance

    For a two year period, poet Dylan Thomas was a frequent visitor to Cornwall and little is known of what filled the emerging young poet’s time, other than, in July 1937, he brought the woman he loved to the register office in Penzance, where they married.
    But in 2015 this changed when theatre maker, Jak Stringer, unearthed an unpublished biography. A rooky reporter on The Cornishman Newspaper, called Joe Martin, befriended Dylan Thomas in 1936 and recorded the adventures of the two young men during their friendship.
    Inspired by these memoirs and local news stories from that time, Jak Stringer and Linda Camidge created a history performance walk around Penzance, which will be a fascinating insight into the early years of the now world famous poet and a taste of life in pre-World War 2 Cornwall.
    So come join Joe Martin and his fellow reporter Trevor, who will escort you to the pubs they drank in, tell you the headline stories of the time and recount the pranks they got up to with Dylan Thomas.
    “I am a big Dylan fan but knew nothing about this!”
    The walk will last 90 minutes.

    Meet in The Longboat Hotel for 2pm.
    Contact Number: 07814614764

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