Project Description
Dylan Thomas celebration & unveiling, The Grey Dog Gallery, Mumbles, Swansea
Wednesday November 9th
The Grey Dog Gallery
4 Dunns Lane,
SA3 4AADylan Thomas Celebration
Two Jeff Phillips originals The Kardomah Boys featuring Dylan Thomas, Daniel Jones, John Pritchard, Alfred Janes and Vernon Watkins, and Broadsword featuring Richard Burton, Laurence Olivier, Ralph Richardson, John Gielgud and Dylan Thomas will hang together in their new home at the Grey Dog Gallery in Mumbles.
Both paintings have fascinating back stories involving the media, publishing and the silver screen, and will be unveiled at an exclusive event on November 9th.
Carmarthenshire raised actor Kerry Frater will enthral those lucky to be present with a selection of Dylan Thomas poems and prose to round of Dylan Thomas week.
See poster for more information.