Project Description

Dylan Thomas: 70 Years On, Marriott Room, Central Library, York

  • Date:

    Thursday October 19th

  • Marriott Room,
    Central Library,
    York Library Square
    YO1 7DS

  • Dylan Thomas is one of the most celebrated poets of the last century. The author of some of the twentieth century’s most stirring poetry, Under Milk Wood, continues to delight audiences with its humour and wordplay.

    In this special event for York Alive, York-based writer and Thomas expert John Goodby will be in conversation with Miles Salter about the poet’s life and work. John Goodby is the author of The Poetry of Dylan Thomas: Under the Spelling Wall (2013) and Discovering Dylan Thomas (2017), and editor of Thomas’s Collected Poems (2014) and The Fifth Notebook of Dylan Thomas (with Adrian Osbourne) (2020). With Professor Chris Wigginton, he has just completed a new biography of Thomas for Reaktion Books, due for publication in 2024.

    Join us for a fascinating look at one of the twentieth century’s most enduring literary figures.

    Click for more information