Project Description
Big Night Out, Dylan Thomas Birthplace, Swansea & ZOOM
Saturday October 28th
Dylan Thomas Birthplace
5 Cwmdonkin Dr,
SA2 0RA&
Two of the greatest writers of the 20th century, Dylan Thomas and Thomas Hardy, never met in person. But what if they had? What would they have talked about? Where would they have met? And who would have been impressed by whom?
We have had loads of innovative ideas about where they could have met and what they would have talked about in our new short play competition. Our judges have had the difficult task of coming up with a shortlist of three plays – Home from Home, Shadows in a Storm and Thomas and Thomas. On Saturday 28th September you have a chance to see them livestreamed on Zoom from the front parlour of the Dylan Thomas Birthplace – the room that Dylan made famous in his story A Child’s Christmas in Wales.
Our second half of the bumper evening is a look at From Mad Town to Llareggub tracing Under Milk Wood with members of the Dylan Thomas Theatre and their involvement with the play and Dylan on the 70th anniversary of its first performance.
- All birthplace events sell out fast so book now.
- Cost £9.50 from our Voucher Line
- Zoom link will be sent closer to the start date.
- Email contact and ticket sales close 5.00pm 28th October.