Project Description

The Beginning Festival, Dylan Thomas Birthplace, Swansea

  • Date:

    October 23rd to October 29th

  • Dylan Thomas Birthplace
    5 Cwmdonkin Drive,
    SA2 0RA
  • 4th The Beginning Festival

    We created The Beginning Festival in 2014 to lead up to the 100th anniversary of Dylan’s birth in the front bedroom of Number Five with the aim of mixing new and emerging talent. This year it is no exception so come along to at least one event and enjoy the house that Dylan called home for 23 years.
    Monday 23rd October Gower College Swansea international students join us for a morning of learning about Dylan and Wales before visiting Dylan’s “…world within a world…” of Cwmdonkin Park.
    Wednesday 25th October The Vegan Poets – We’ve teamed up with some of the brightest young poets from Swansea and we’ll be providing vegan food including our acclaimed Welsh cakes. 6.30 for 7.00pm Tickets £8 (including refreshments)
    Friday 27th October Dylan’s 103rd birthday is Book Night at the Birthplace with poet Susie Wild launching her first poetry collection Better Houses which is all about tramping across the UK with humour, love and loss seeking a place to call home. Tickets £5 (including refreshments)
    Joining Susie will be the Uplands urban sketcher Bill Bytheway, launching and exhibition of hs illustrations of the book Ugly Lovely – an hilarious book about Swansea by the late Ken Blakemore, and Away From The Welsh Speaking Sea a collection of poems wriiten by Hamish Wilson after a tour of the Birthplace 6.30 for 7.00pm Tickets £5 (refreshments available)
    Saturday 28th October Dylan’s Birthday Party Dylan would have had to wait until a Saturday for his party but it is well worth it for the party of the year. We’ve traditional party food as described by his daughter Aeronwy – jelly and blancmange, Smarties on the cake, Marmite and Spam sandwiches. And entertainment! Rising poetry star Laura Potts returns to the house where she was a volunteer guide last year and she will share the stage with the gypsy jazz group Afternoon in Paris 2.00pm Tickets 10 adults, £5 children
    Sunday 29th October Dylan Thomas Society Annual General Meeting 2.00pm
    How to book? Hurry along to or 01792472555

    Click for more information