Project Description

A Child’s Christmas in Wales, Tabard Theatre, San Jose, CA

  • Date:

    December 9th – 24th
    & On Demand December 12th – January 5th

  • Tabard Theatre
    29 N San Pedro St,
    San Jose
    CA 95110

  • Re-kindle your holiday spirit with this imaginative and playful telling of the magical unexpected delights of Christmas from the view of a young child, brought to life in this new adaptation by Tabard’s Executive Artistic Director Jonathan Rhys Williams, inspired by the family traditions of his own Welsh upbringing. After Thomas’ story, the performance will continue with a “Noson Lawen” which is a Welsh language-phrase for a party with music, and will feature a celebration of poetry and song inspired by the season. These will include more Welsh traditions such as the Mari Lwyd– a bedecked horse skull that is carried from house to house challenging occupants to a rhyme battle. The schedule of special guest appearances for the Nosen Lawen will change nightly, but has not yet been announced.

    By Dylan Thomas

    Adapted & Directed by Jonathan Rhys Williams

    Featuring: Megan Bowyer, D.J. Fernandes, Regina Kohl, Jenna Marvet, Bob Siegmann and Renée Turner

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