Many out of print Dylan Thomas books are available from secondhand bookshops and online. If you are looking for help in locating them, you can contact Jeff Towns ‘the Dylan Thomas Guy’ for further assistance, or try Dylan’s biographer, George Tremlett, who runs a bookshop in Laugharne.
Selected out of print books of Dylan Thomas’s work

The Notebook Poems (1930-1934)
Edited by Ralph Maud

A Poet in the Making: The Notebooks of Dylan Thomas
Edited by Ralph Maud

The Complete Screenplays
Edited by John Ackerman

Dylan Thomas: The War Film Anthology
DVD collection

Rebecca’s Daughters

Dylan Thomas:The Broadcasts
Edited by Ralph Maud

On the Air with Dylan Thomas
The Broadcasts, edited by Ralph Maud

Dylan Thomas: The Collected letters
Edited by Paul Ferris

Dylan Thomas: Letter To Loren
Introduction and notes by Jeff Towns

Adventures in the Skin Trade
Unfinished novel

The Outing
Short story

The Followers
Short story

Holiday Memory
Short story

Ceri Richards: Drawings to Poems by Dylan Thomas

Under Milk Wood
Illustrated by Peter Blake

The Colour of Saying
Anthology of verse spoken by Dylan Thomas

Was There A Time
Poems and stories read by Philip Madoc
Selected out of print books about Dylan Thomas’s work

A Dylan Thomas Companion
By John Ackerman

Dylan Thomas: His Life and Work
By John Ackerman

Dylan Thomasin Print
By Ralph Maud

The Growth of Under Milk Wood
By Douglas Cleverdon

A Reader’s Guide to Dylan Thomas
By William York Tindall

Dylan Thomas: Open Guides to Literature
By Walford Davies

Contemporary Critical Essays
Edited by John Goodby and Chris Wigginton
Selected out of print books about Dylan Thomas’s life

Dylan Thomas in America
By John Malcolm Brinnin

The Life of Dylan Thomas
By Constantine Fitzgibbon

The Days of Dylan Thomas
by Bill Read & Rollie McKenna

Dylan the Bard: A life of Dylan Thomas
by Andrew Sinclair

A Portrait of Dylan – A Photographer’s Memoir
by Rollie McKenna

Welsh Dylan: His life & work
by John Ackerman

Dylan Thomas: In the Mercy of His Means
by George Tremlett

The Death of Dylan Thomas
By George Tremlett

My Life with Dylan Thomas
By Tony Curtis
(A quick read)

Dylan on Dylan – a film
By Andrew Sinclair

Dylan Thomas: The Actor
By Heather Holt

Christmas and Other Memories
By Aeronwy Thomas-Ellis
Selected out of print books about Dylan Thomas’s places

Dylan Thomas’s Places
By James A Davies

Dylan Thomas: The Cat’s Whiskers
(Dylan’s links to Ferryside)
by Beryl Hughes

Laugharne and Dylan Thomas
by Min Lewis

Later Than Laugharne
poems by Aeronwy Thomas-Ellis
Selected out of print books about Caitlin Thomas and her family

Left Over Life to Kill
by Caitlin Thomas

Not Quite Posthumous Letter to my Daughter
by Caitlin Thomas

Caitlin: Life with Dylan Thomas
by Caitlin Thomas & George Tremlett

Caitlin: The life of Caitlin Thomas
Biography by Paul Ferris

Two Flamboyant Fathers
By Nicolette Devas

Susannah’s Nightingales
By Nicolette Devas
Finding out-of-print books
Many out of print Dylan Thomas books are available from secondhand bookshops and online. If you are looking for help in locating them, you can contact Jeff Towns ‘the Dylan Thomas Guy’ for further assistance, or try Dylan’s biographer, George Tremlett, who runs a bookshop in Laugharne.