What is happening on International Dylan Thomas Day on May 14th

The enthusiasm for International Dylan Thomas Day (Dylan Day for short) on May 14th continues to be strong and I’ve been energised to work hard and keep the date prominent on the annual literary calendar.   I have, once again, seen the passion and love there still is for my grandfather’s work and places.

We have put together things people can do and events they can attend on, or close to, Dylan Day.   We have all the details on the discoverdylanthomas website, however I know some people prefer a list, which I have created for you below.  Locations are in bold and in alphabetical order and then in date order under each section. Online events are listed too.  You can go to the International Dylan Thomas Day page to find out more. You can download the logo and poster in both English and Welsh from there as well.

We are still waiting for confirmation of other events, and welcome more from you too so please get in touch with me at hannah@discovery.sites.k-hosting.co.uk if your event is not yet listed. I will add any new ones to the website, the list below and the final press release but I hope this gives you an idea that the day will still be remembered and celebrated around the world.

Don’t forget the Love the Words competition to create the world’s longest love poem is still open for entries.  The competition closes on Friday May 4 at midnight and the completed poem will be shared online on the Discover Dylan Thomas website on Dylan Day, May 14.  Read poet Mab Jones’s blog on how to create a great #LovetheWords entry.


Up to date information about things you can do and events you can attend on or close to Dylan Day 2018 

From May 11th – UK cinema release of That Good Night starring John Hurt



Wednesday 2nd May 2nd at 8 p.m. – Portraits of Dylan Thomas, Southbank Centre

Tuesday 8th May at 19:15 – 20:45 – International Dylan Thomas Prize 2018: A Shortlist Celebration, the British Library

Wednesday 9th May for two weeks – Cor Llunsain Choir, London’s only Welsh female choir, online, Hannah Ellis’s blog @ www.discovery.sites.k-hosting.co.uk (See also online)

Thursday 10th May 2018 at 8 p.m.- Dylan Thomas: Clown in the Moon with Rhodri Miles, Redbridge Drama Centre

Saturday 12th May at 5p.m – London Literary Pub Crawl, Fitzrovia – starts at the Wheatsheaf pub, Rathbone Place

Monday 14th May at 7p.m – 9 p.m. – Do Not Go Gentle, Poetry Café, Covent Garden

Monday 14th May at 7p.m – Showing of the Under Milk Wood Film, Genesis Cinema, Mile End

Monday 14th May at 7.30 p.m. – Under Milk Wood, Half Moon Pub, Herne Hill

Monday 14th May – The Real Dylan Thomas, Facebook Live from a London Pub (See also online)

Tuesday 15th May 2018 at 7 p.m. – An open door at The Borough Welsh Congregational Chapel with the Borough Welsh Choir

Wednesday 16th May 2018 at 12 p.m. – A lunchtime service at The Welsh Church of Central London, Oxford Circus

Saturday May 19th at 7.30 p.m. – Screening with Q&A: The Outing, London Welsh Centre

Other parts of England

Thursday 3rd May 2018 at 7.30 p.m. – Dylan Thomas: Clown in the Moon with Rhodri Miles, The CORE THEATRE, Solihull

Friday 11th May at 7 p.m. – Ian Griffiths: Discover Dylan Thomas, Arlingtons, Ipswich

Sunday 13th May at 3p.m. – Camidge and Stringer Performance Walks, Dylan Thomas in Cornwall – Starting at The Old Coastguard, Mousehole

Sunday 13th May – Wednesday 16th May at 8 p.m – Caitlin, Rialto Theatre, Brighton

Monday 14th May – all day – Dylan Thomas in Cornwall: Penzance Trail

Monday May 14th at 12.30pm – 2pm – Poetry & Music in the Square, St Ives

Monday May 14th at 12.30pm – 1.30 pm – Lunch with Dylan Thomas at Leeds library

Thursday 24th May 2018 at 7.30 p.m. – Dylan Thomas: Clown in the Moon with Rhodri Miles, Farnham Maltings, Surrey


North America

Monday 14th May – Launch of Digital Dylan: a landmark collaboration between Swansea University and the Harry Ransom Center, University of Texas at Austin

Monday 14th May at 7p.m – Peter Thabit Jones of Wales and Friends, McGowen House Monterey, California

Monday 14th May at 7p.m – International Dylan Thomas Day starring Matthew Rhys, The Liberty Bar, New York City

Monday 14th May until Thursday 14th June 2018 – Listen online to Under Milk Wood with Michael Sheen as First Voice at the 92Y Theatre, New York (See also online)

Monday 14th May – Listen online to extracts of an Adaptation of The Doctor and the Devils from New York (See also online)

Dylan Thomas Walking Tour, New York – A self-led tour to do on or around Dylan Day.  Starts at, The Church of St Luke in the Fields

Other Places

Short Film Inspired by a Dylan Thomas Poem Previewed at the Cannes Film Festival (8th – 19th May), France

Sunday 13th May – The Legend and The Poet, Julian Ashton Art Centre, Georges Heights, New South Wales, Australia

Monday 14th May – Dylan Day Celebrations at the Municipal Library in Tarnow, Poland

Monday 14th May at 4.30 p.m – International Dylan Thomas Day Celebration, Welsh Dragon Bar, Mount Victoria, Wellington, New Zealand

Monday 14th May at 6 p.m – Dylan Thomas and his Women Conference, Binaria Books, Torino, Italy

Monday 14th May – Painting Exhibition Inspired by Dylan Thomas, Binaria Books, Torino, Italy

Monday 14th May – An Online Celebration of Dylan Thomas and his Writing from Mauritius (also see online)

Monday 14th May at 7 p.m – Under Milk Wood, Guernsey Literary Festival, Guernsey

Tuesday 15th May at 5 p.m – Rhythm Divine Poets Presents Celebrating Dylan Thomas, Kolkata, India





Monday 14th May – Dylan Day Breakfast at the Boathouse B and B

Monday 14th May at 3 p.m. – Dylan’s Daughter, Dylan Thomas Boathouse

Visit Dylan Thomas’s Boathouse in Laugharne

Dylan Thomas Birthday Walk – A self-led walk to do on or close to Dylan Day – starts in the Laugharne Harbour car park.

Laugharne, Weatherman Walking – A self-led walk to do on or close to Dylan Day – starts at the Dylan Thomas Boathouse


Dylan Ed Primary School Competition, Swansea – Closing date for entries is Friday 4th May

Friday 4th May at 2 p.m. – John Goodby: New Dylan Thomas Discoveries, Killay Library

Monday 10th May at 11 a.m. – 12 a.m. – International Dylan Thomas Prize 2018: A Shortlist Celebration, Taliesin Arts Centre, Swansea University

Monday 10th May – 12.30 a.m. – 1.15 p.m. – DylanEd Book Review Competition, Taliesin Arts Centre, Swansea University

Thursday 10th May at 7 p.m. – International Dylan Thomas Prize 2018 Award Ceremony, Bay Campus, Swansea University

Friday 11th May – Into That Good Night, Dylan Thomas Birthplace, Swansea

Saturday 12th May, 10am – 4pm – Young Writer Squad Poetry workshops, Dylan Thomas Centre, Swansea

Sunday 13th May, 10am to 4pm – Dylan Day Drop in Activities, Dylan Thomas Centre, Swansea

Sunday 13th May at 3p.m – Swansea and the Arts, Dylan Thomas Theatre, Swansea

Monday 14th May – Dylan Day: Love the Words, Oxfam Book Shop, Castle Street, Swansea

Monday 14th May – 10 a.m – 11.a.m. – Film Screening: ‘Discovering Dylan Thomas’, Taliesin Arts Centre, Swansea University

Monday 14th May – 11.30 a.m. – 12.30 p.m. – Film Screening: ‘Down with Dylan’, Taliesin Arts Centre, Swansea University

Monday 14th May at 7.30pm – Huw Warren: Do Not Go Gentle, Taliesin Arts Centre, Swansea University

Monday 14th May at 7.30pm – I’m Only Going to Pay the Bills…a life in a Dylan Day, St James Church, Uplands

Saturday 19th May, 10am – Young Writers Squad  workshops, Dylan Thomas Centre, Swansea

Love the Words Exhibition, open daily from 10 a.m. – 4.30 p.m, Dylan Thomas Centre, Swansea

Tours of Dylan Thomas’s Birthplace, 5 Cwmdonkin Drive, Uplands, Swansea

Dylan Thomas Trail, Swansea – A self-guided walking tour to do on or around Dylan Day.  Starts at The Captain Cat Statue in Swansea Marina

Return Journey App, Swansea – A self-guided walking tour to do on or around Dylan Day.  Starts in Swansea city centre

Swansea, Weatherman Walking – A self-guided walking tour to do on or around Dylan Day.  Starts at 5 Cwmdonkin Drive, the Uplands

Other parts of Wales

Saturday 4th May at 7.30 p.m. – Clown in the Moon with Rhodri Miles, Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama,  Cardiff

Tuesday 8th May for two weeks – A short film The Colour of Saying by Anthony Shapland and Richard James, online, Hannah Ellis’s blog @ www.discovery.sites.k-hosting.co.uk (See also online)

Friday 11th May – Huw Warren – Do Not Go Gentle Jazz Tour 2018 at Canolfan Ucheldre Centre, Holyhead

Saturday 12th May at 7.30 p.m. – Dylan’s Drunken Doodle, Diana Rooms, Roath, Cardiff (see also online)

Saturday 12th May at 7.30 p.m – Huw Warren – Do Not Go Gentle Jazz Tour 2018, Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama

Sunday 13th May at 2 p.m. – Huw Warren, Do Not Go Gentle, Theatre Brycheiniog, Brecon

Monday 14th May at 7.30 p.m – Rara! International Dylan Thomas Day, Roath, Cardiff

Saturday 19th May 2018 at 7.30 p.m. – Dylan Thomas: Clown in the Moon with Rhodri Miles, Ffwrnes, Llanelli, Carmarthenshire

Dylan Thomas Trail, Carmarthenshire – A self-guided walking tour to do on or around Dylan Day.  Starts at The Friend’s Arms pub, Carmarthen

Llansteffan, Weatherman Walking – A self-guided walking tour to do on or around Dylan Day.  Starts at Fernhill, Llangain

Llanybri Heritage Trails – Self-guided walking tours to do on or around Dylan Day

Dylan Thomas Trail, New Quay – A self-guided walking tour to do on or around Dylan Day.  Suggested starting point, Wellington Place

New Quay, Weatherman Walking – A self-guided walking tour to do on or around Dylan Day.  Starts at The Black Lion Hotel



Love the Words Poetry Competition – closes in Friday 4th May

Monday 7th May for two weeks – Share quotes for Dylan Day, online, Hannah Ellis’s blog @ www.discovery.sites.k-hosting.co.uk

Tuesday 8th May for two weeks – A short film The Colour of Saying by Anthony Shapland and Richard James, online, Hannah Ellis’s blog @ www.discovery.sites.k-hosting.co.uk

Wednesday 9th May for two weeks – Cor Llunsain Choir, London’s only Welsh female choir, online, Hannah Ellis’s blog @ www.discovery.sites.k-hosting.co.uk

Thursday 10th May for two weeks – Cutting up the prologue of Under Milk Wood, online, Hannah Ellis’s blog @ www.discovery.sites.k-hosting.co.uk

Friday 11th May for two weeks – Link to Animated Version of The Hunchback in the Park with Michael Sheen, online, Hannah Ellis’s blog @ www.discovery.sites.k-hosting.co.uk

Saturday 12th May at 7.30 p.m. – Dylan’s Drunken Doodle, Diana Rooms, Roath, Cardiff

Monday 14th May – An Online Celebration of Dylan Thomas and his Writing from Mauritius

Monday 14th May until Thursday 14th June 2018 – Listen online to Under Milk Wood with Michael Sheen as First Voice at the 92Y Theatre, New York

Monday 14th May – Listen online to extracts of an Adaptation of The Doctor and the Devils from New York

Monday 14th May – The Real Dylan Thomas, Facebook Live from a London Pub

Monday 14th May – Showcasing the Love the Words Poem, online, Hannah Ellis’s blog @ www.discovery.sites.k-hosting.co.uk



Hannah Ellis – 24th April 2018.

Hannah is a teacher, writer and consultant.  You can learn more about her by visiting the website –  www.lovethewords.co.uk




















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