Copyright Enquiries

David Higham Associates

For copyright enquiries and permissions please contact David Higham Associates. All of Dylan Thomas’s works are still in copyright in the USA, so please be aware that permission will be required to use them in these areas, and also to post online content that is accessible internationally.

Please also be aware some work remains in copyright in the UK and elsewhere, for example more recently published work, new adaptations, and manuscript materials, so always check with David Higham Associates if you are unsure.

David Higham Associates website


Useful Contacts

The Dylan Thomas’s birthplace
The Dylan Thomas’s birthplace5 Cwmdonkin Drive, Swansea
Dylan’s birthplace is open for visits, stays, and as an events venue. Contact owner Geoff Haden for more information.
Dylan Thomas's Boathouse
Dylan Thomas's BoathouseThe Dylan Thomas Boathouse at Laugharne
Dylan’s former home, the Boathouse, is open as a museum, gallery and cafe, run by Carmarthenshire County Council.
Dylan Thomas Centre
Dylan Thomas CentreSwansea
The Dylan Thomas Centre at Swansea. Home of the ‘Love the Words’ permanent exhibition of Dylan Thomas material and home of the Dylan Thomas Festival. Run by Swansea Council.
Jeff Towns – Dylan’s Bookstore
Jeff Towns – Dylan’s BookstoreSwansea
Jeff Towns is an antiquarian bookseller, collector and writer specialising in Dylan Thomas. Contact Jeff for out-of-prints books, ephemera and memorabilia relating to Dylan Thomas. Jeff is also agent for the Nora Summers photographic archive, and has acted as a consultant on numerous Dylan Thomas projects.
Swansea University
Swansea UniversitySwansea
Swansea University is a centre for the study of the work of Dylan Thomas, and houses the Richard Burton Archives which holds important Dylan Thomas material including the fifth poetry notebook. Professor John Goodby is a leading authority on the works of Dylan Thomas and edited the centenary edition of the Collected Poems. The University are also sponsors of the Dylan Thomas Prize.
David N Thomas
David N Thomas Writer
David is a writer specializing in the life of Dylan Thomas, with a particular interest in Dylan’s Carmarthenshire roots, as well as his time in Ceredigion, particularly New Quay and its influence on Under Milk Wood. David has extensively researched Dylan’s family history, and has also published an account of the poet’s death.
Please contact David regarding any of the above.
Dylan Thomas Society
Dylan Thomas Society
The Dylan Thomas Society was founded in 1977 with the aim to foster serious interest in the life and works of Dylan Thomas. Contact chairman Geoff Haden for more information.
Dylan Thomas Appreciation Society
Dylan Thomas Appreciation SocietyFacebook
An active Facebook page sharing and discussing an interest in Dylan Thomas.
Guy Masterson
Guy MastersonActor & Director
An actor, director and producer, Guy is regarded as one of the leading performers of the works of Dylan Thomas. He has toured his one-man Under Milk Wood around the world. Guy credits his love of theatre and literature to his uncle Richard (Burton) who introduced him to the poetry of Dylan Thomas.

Photograph Use

Lee Miller Archives
Lee Miller Archives
For requests to use Lee Miller images of Dylan Thomas
Nora Summers Archives
Nora Summers Archives
For requests to use Nora Summers images of Dylan Thomas. Jeff Towns is the agent for the Nora Summers archive.
Getty Images
Getty Images
For requests to use Dylan Thomas images from the Getty archive.
Center for Creative Photography
Center for Creative PhotographyRollie McKenna
For requests to use Rollie McKenna images of Dylan Thomas.