Copyright Enquiries
David Higham Associates
For copyright enquiries and permissions please contact David Higham Associates. All of Dylan Thomas’s works are still in copyright in the USA, so please be aware that permission will be required to use them in these areas, and also to post online content that is accessible internationally.
Please also be aware some work remains in copyright in the UK and elsewhere, for example more recently published work, new adaptations, and manuscript materials, so always check with David Higham Associates if you are unsure.
Useful Contacts
- info@dylanthomasbirthplace.com
- dtboathouse@carmarthenshire.gov.uk
- dylanthomas.lit@swansea.gov.uk
- jefftowns@dylans.com
- riah@swansea.ac.uk
- davidnt@hotmail.co.uk
- info@dylanthomassociety.com
- guymasterson@gmail.com